Pipeline Name | Company ID | Report Date | Original/ Revised Indicator |
First Day of Calendar Quarter |
Unit of Measurement for Transportation MDQ |
Unit of Measurement for Storage MDQ |
Contact Person & Phone Number |
Footnote ID | |||||||
Shipper Name | Shipper ID | Shipper Affiliation Indicator |
Rate Schedule |
Contract Number |
Contract Effective Date |
Contract Primary Term Expiration Date |
Days Until Next Possible Contract Expiration |
NegotiatedRates Indicator |
For Transportation, Max Daily Quantity |
For Storage, Max Daily Quantity |
Footnote ID | ||||
Agent or Asset Manager Name | Agent or Asset Manager Affiliation Identifier | Footnote ID | |||||||||||||
Point Identifier Code | Point Name | Point Identification Code Qualifier | Point Identification Code | Zone Name | For Transportation Maximum Daily Quantity | For Storage Maximum Daily Quantity | Footnote ID | ||||||||
Footnote Number | Footnote Text | ||||||||||||||
H | UGI Sunbury LLC | C005274 | 01/01/2025 | O | 01/01/2025 | T | Christa Lindner 484-890-8490 | ||||||||
D | UGI Energy Services LLC | 883504581 | Y | FT | UGIESFT1 | 01/01/2017 | 12/31/2032 | 3014 | N | 20000 | |||||
P | M2 | Stagecoach | 95 | SP005 | 1 | 20000 | |||||||||
P | M2 | Transco | 95 | SP001 | 1 | 20000 | |||||||||
P | MQ | UGI-CPG | 95 | SP010 | 1 | 20000 | |||||||||
D | Hummel Station LLC | 080896406 | N | FT | HUMMELFT1 | 02/01/2017 | 01/31/2047 | 8158 | Y | 180000 | |||||
A | Sequent Energy Management | N | |||||||||||||
P | M2 | Stagecoach | 95 | SP005 | 1 | 180000 | |||||||||
P | M2 | Transco | 95 | SP001 | 1 | 180000 | |||||||||
P | MQ | Hummel | 95 | SP015 | 1 | 180000 |